Good afternoon families,
I trust and pray you and your loved ones are well and safe.
Those of you who are signed up on Remind received this notice on Saturday. I write to you all today to share this with you once again. I am now sharing the English and Spanish version for your reference below.
It should be noted that all ADLA schools will return to school online with distance learning. This was a very real possibility that was shared last Thursday during our parent meeting as well.
Please rest assured that all efforts at this moment are to prepare ourselves for a strong return to school at a distance. Additional details will be sent later this month. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thank you for your ongoing trust and patience during these unprecedented times.
As always, thank you for choosing Nativity as your child’s second home.
God bless,
Mrs. Teresa Reynoso-Gonzalez, M.Ed.
Nativity School Principal